Apply as An Accredited Program Graduate

Apply as an Accredited Program Graduate

Eligibility to Apply for C-IAYT

IAYT certification is currently open to graduates of IAYT-accredited yoga therapist training programs. These graduates may apply for the C-IAYT credential anytime following completion of their program and passing of the IAYT Certification Exam.

Checklist for Applying for C-IAYT
  • Passing Score on IAYT Certification Exam. Details about the exam can be found here.
  • Current IAYT Membership (General, Supporting or Patron). If you are a Student Member who wishes to upgrade in order to apply, please contact us for assistance. Find membership information here.
  • Passing score on the the IAYT Ethics and Scope of Practice Quiz. (See the Ethics and Scope of Practice section below.)
  • Review the C-IAYT Policies and Procedures before applying.
  • Evidence of completion from your IAYT-accredited program. NEW as of January 1, 2024: The evidence of completion is a transcript emailed directly from the IAYT-accredited program to
    • If you graduated from an accredited program PRIOR TO January 1, 2024, you can use your program's certificate of completion as evidence of completion. Email the certificate of completion to
  • Applicants who graduated January 1, 2024, or AFTER: Use the following email template to request your transcript from your Accredited Program.

    Dear {Program Director Name or Admin Name},

    I am applying for C-IAYT.

    The IAYT Certification Team requires my transcript as a graduate of your 800+ hour IAYT-accredited yoga therapy training program.

    Please email my transcript to with subject line - "Transcript for - {my name}"

  • If you have any questions please email

Ethics and Scope of Practice

The Ethics and Scope of Practice Quiz is required of all C-IAYT applicants as part of the certification process.

Read the Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice documents and then take the quiz. When you pass the quiz, 2 continuing education (CE) credits will be automatically awarded to the professional development journal in your IAYT profile.



Certification Fees

The fee for applying for IAYT certification as an Accredited Graduate is $250, payable in two nonrefundable parts: $125 is to register to apply; the balance of $125 will be paid upon application approval.

Don't delay! Any graduate who applies for certification within 6 months of completing their accredited program will receive a $25 discount off the certification fee upon approval.

Certification fees are a primary source of income for IAYT and help us to remain viable to continue our mission and vision of service. IAYT is committed to a culture of equitable pricing and maintaining financial accessibility for our offerings. 

Anyone in need of financial support to apply for C-IAYT certification is invited to Contact Us to request a reduction of their certification fees; we will do our best to support all requests. See this self-assessment tool to evaluate your own level of need.

Interested in supporting C-IAYT certification for others in need? Donate here.

Have you completed this checklist?
  • Is your membership current?
  • Have you taken the Ethics & Scope of Practice Quiz?
  • Have you requested your transcript from your accredited program?
  • Have you reviewed the policies and procedures?

C-IAYT certification is a two-step process:

  1. Register (pay the first half)
  2. Complete the application (link provided after registering)

Once you have registered you will receive two emails: an invoice and a thank you with the link to the application. SAVE the Thank You email. You can return to your application using the link in that email.

Upon approval you will receive an email with instructions to pay the balance of $125 and will then receive your certificate and be listed on IAYT's websites as a C-IAYT.

When you are ready, start the process by registering and applying using the orange button below:


Contact us if you have questions or need assistance.